Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 - End of Day Posting

Entertainment Education is an interesting topic.  The reading we did was a valuable reminder of how we are shaped by what we hear and watch.  When Steve was talking I kept thinking about the greater responsibility we now have as a society to support content in all media avenues.  When these topics come up I always think about free speech and what our founding fathers would have written with today's plethora of media access.

“A teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be” what a great statement.  If a teacher feels that technology will “replace” them then they are truly replaceable.

Hole-in-the-wall experiment did not surprise me; children are born inquisitive and come to school as kindergartners with an excitement for learning.  Some are “reprogramed” before the end of kindergarten others need a few more years.  I have always believed the reason for this is that children are given less and less time to be self-organizers and self-learners.  Even in today’s kindergarten classes we are faced with more and more emphasis on academics and not exploration.  Academic content is able to be taught through activities that involve students self-exploring.  When the teacher becomes the facilitator of learning we can see (at any grade level) students engaging in their own learning.  

Continued exploring of web sites:

Digital Directions: This would be a site to check on at least weekly with the numerous stories that are on their page.  Great to see California updating their cyberbullying and sexting laws.  I explored the "Spotlight Technology in the Classroom" link and found articles, but was disappointed to see the newest one was from April 2009.  Seems to me there should be highlighting more current articles.  No doubt you will find a great deal of information on any technology topic.

from now on  The article on "Why We Still Need Libraries and Librarians" was a great reminder that yes, even in budget cutting times having a librarian helps support students learning about literacy skills.  

GO2WEB20: Okay this site really now feel out of my league!  So many online tools and applications I have no idea how I would ever need them.  Now I am feeling really overloaded with the magnitude of what I had not idea existed!!!!!

Project Gutenberg: Okay now back on track!  I have found a resource for me.  eBooks and a place to contribute your own book.  This is really a place for me to spend some time.


  1. I thought Steve's talk was interesting too. I agree we need to support content- I'm wondering why we haven't set up a content wiki that could be vetted by teachers into a really strong product.

    I haven't dug into the resources yet- scary...

  2. I loved the statement about teachers/machines as well. Technology will give us more time to facilitate learning as well as continuing our own exploration and learning, just for the love of it, rather than looking at as machines replacing us. Holding on to something just for the sake of holding on is not very productive. (In my opinion)
